archaeo-, archeo-, archae-, arche-, archa-, archi-, -arch
(Greek: original [first in time], beginning, first cause, origin, ancient, primitive, from the beginning; most basic)
archetypal (adjective), more archetypal , most archetypal
Referring to an original type after which other similar things are patterned: An archetypal example is an idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned, or emulated.
archetypally (adverb), more archetypally, most archetypally
With reference to how an original or model is represented of exemplified: Baseball and football are archetypally played in the United States.
1. A typical, ideal, or classic example of something: Mary looked like the archetype of a princess at the party with golden locks, a pink frilly dress, and a sparkling crown on her head.
2. Something that served as the model or pattern for other things of the same type: An archetype, or prototype, can serve as a copy of concepts, objects, or even people
3. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype: "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" are both good examples of archetypes that have made an impact on later stories of horror and fear!
4. An ideal example of a type; quintessence: Mrs. Smart was an archetype of the successful educator."
5. In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious: Maybe Cinderella could be an archetype of girls in the western culture.
6. Etymology: "Original pattern from which copies are made", from 1545, from Latin archetypum, from Greek arkhetypon, "pattern, model"; neuter of the adjective arkhetypos, "first-molded"; from arkhe-, "first" plus typos, "model, type, blow, mark of a blow".
2. Something that served as the model or pattern for other things of the same type: An archetype, or prototype, can serve as a copy of concepts, objects, or even people
3. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype: "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" are both good examples of archetypes that have made an impact on later stories of horror and fear!
4. An ideal example of a type; quintessence: Mrs. Smart was an archetype of the successful educator."
5. In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious: Maybe Cinderella could be an archetype of girls in the western culture.
6. Etymology: "Original pattern from which copies are made", from 1545, from Latin archetypum, from Greek arkhetypon, "pattern, model"; neuter of the adjective arkhetypos, "first-molded"; from arkhe-, "first" plus typos, "model, type, blow, mark of a blow".
As applied to Jungian psychology in the sense of "pervasive idea" or "image from the collective unconscious" is from 1919.
archetypical (adjective), more archetypical, most archetypical
Concerning an original type after which other similar things are patterned; archetypal: Sally was the archetypical student body president being very organised and active in school life.
archibenthic (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the bottom of the sea from the edge of the continental shelf to the upper limit of the abyssobenthic zone, at depths of ca. 200 to 1,000 meters: The archibenthic area is the upper section of the benthic region, from the abyssal to the sublittoral region.
The veinlike thickenings or reticulations (archidictyon) of insect wings: An archidictyon is the fine unsymmetrical network of cuticular processor or ridges on the wings of various insect fossils.
1. A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest: Old land deeds are stored in the municipal archives.
2. In computer science: a long-term storage area, often on magnetic tape, for backup copies, of files or for files that are no longer in active use; a file containing one or more files in compressed format for more efficient storage and transfer: Glenda made sure her data was safely stored in the archives of her computer and on a special backup disk.
3. A repository for stored recollections or information: Someone has said that the archive of a person's mind can hold many memories.

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2. In computer science: a long-term storage area, often on magnetic tape, for backup copies, of files or for files that are no longer in active use; a file containing one or more files in compressed format for more efficient storage and transfer: Glenda made sure her data was safely stored in the archives of her computer and on a special backup disk.
3. A repository for stored recollections or information: Someone has said that the archive of a person's mind can hold many memories.

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archive (verb), archives, archived, archiving
1. To gather and to store historical documents and records: The organization was cataloging and archiving printed materials for future research and development.
2. To collect and to store computer files in an archive so they can be found and used when desired or needed: The staff archived a collection of news articles about educational issues.
2. To collect and to store computer files in an archive so they can be found and used when desired or needed: The staff archived a collection of news articles about educational issues.
archive, archive
archive (AR kighv") (noun)
A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest: The government kept documents about the war in a special archive.
archive (AR kighv") (verb)
To collect and to store material, such as recordings, documents, or computer files, so they can be found and used when they are wanted: Violet made sure to archive the content of her website on a separate disk in case her computer crashed.
Ira really enjoyed his summer job because he was working in the government archive department for local history. His job was to archive the collection of newspaper articles about the town.
archived (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to a place in which public records or historical materials are kept: Mrs. Busy was searching through a collection of archived reports about the city's historical development.
A person who is responsible for preserving, organizing, or servicing documents, files, or chronicles: Mr. Miller was employed as an archivist to collect, catalog, and take care of the historical manuscripts .
1. The theory or study of origins: Since Judy was very interested in the beginnings of different things, she decided to do more research in archology.
2. The science of government: Marc thought he would involve himself in the discipline of archology, since he wanted to know much more about different types of governing authorities and various regimes of countries around the world.
2. The science of government: Marc thought he would involve himself in the discipline of archology, since he wanted to know much more about different types of governing authorities and various regimes of countries around the world.
Prototype; the original model of a thing or person that is like it: Jack was the archtype of a teacher because he had all the qualities and criteria needed to be successful in his job.
A misspelling of "archetype".
1. In urban studies, a concept in which the ideal city involves three-dimensional building structures: In addition, arcology intends to preserve more of the natural environment, a possibility of combining architecture and ecology as envisioned by Paolo Soleri.
2. Etymology: arc(hitecture) plus (ec)ology.
2. Etymology: arc(hitecture) plus (ec)ology.
1. The use of a range of biological techniques on archaeological material in order to learn more about past populations: Bioarchaeology involves the examination of ailments and deaths of those who were buried in ancient cemetaries.
2. A subdiscipline of biology that integrates the concepts of human biology with those of anthropological archaeology: In bioarchaeology, one might isolate and amplify DNA from very old bones, such as from the frozen body of the 9,000-year-old "Ice Man" who was found in the Italian Alps.
2. A subdiscipline of biology that integrates the concepts of human biology with those of anthropological archaeology: In bioarchaeology, one might isolate and amplify DNA from very old bones, such as from the frozen body of the 9,000-year-old "Ice Man" who was found in the Italian Alps.
Related "time" units: aevum, evum; Calendars; chrono-; horo-; pre-; Quotes: Time; tempo-.